
Movin' on...

I'm not sure how many people still read this blog, since my updates have been nonexistant for what seems like forever. But for those who may see this pop up in their feed reader, or who check in from time to time, you can find me on my new blog, where I'll be consolidating all things crafty, foodie and photography all in one place.

So please, come on over and visit me at Blissful Domesticity! I promise I'll try harder to keep things interesting over there. :)


A Self Portrait

Well folks, it's 2011. It looks like Project 365 for 2010 was an epic failure on my part. Motivation was a major factor, but also a contributing factor was the fact that I ended up pregnant in early 2010. Balancing life with a husband and toddler at home, a full-time soul-sucking job, and hobbies of my own beyond just this camera - well, it became just a little too much, and it was this project that suffered for my inability to manage my time.

I've set a more realistic goal this year - one photo a week, minimum. I'm keeping tabs on some photo challenges for inspiration, and hopefully I can pull this one off. Some weeks may have more than one post, but I'm not going to hold my breath on that.

So, without further ado, the first photo of 2011 for my photo blog:


For the record, shooting into a mirror sucks the hell out of my sharpness, but I like this photo enough to post it despite the obvious flaw.

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